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Welcome Video from Pastor Jonathan

Our Core Values

Below you will find the five core values that lay at the foundation of everything that we do here at Fresh Life Church. 

God's Presence is Our Priority

We know that in his presence lives are changed, so we allow space for Him to move in our lives.

People are our Heart

There is no exclusivity in the Kingdom of God, Jesus loves ALL people. Our heart is that ALL people have the opportunity to experience this love.

Honor is our Calling

We believe that honor is among the highest forms of love. We honor God, we honor those we serve, and we honor those who serve alongside us.

Excellence is our Passion

We believe that excellence honors both God and people. In pursuit of excellence we narrow our focus to accomplish more.

Servanthood is our DNA

We know that Jesus came not to be served but to serve others. We follow this model as we live to serve those around us.

Our Beliefs 

Fresh Life Church is part of the Assemblies of God Fellowship. Our beliefs align with those found in the 16 Fundamental Truths. Click the link below to learn more about our beliefs!